[Stargazer] [Void Moon]  [[The Book] [This and That] [Reports]


About Debbi Kempton-Smith   

Debbi Kempton-Smith is the author of the irreverent, best-selling classic Secrets From A Stargazer's Notebook (Bantam Books 1982-1997; revised edition, Topquark Press 1999-present). For 10 years she was Astrology Editor and monthly columnist for the UK Condé Nast society magazine Tatler (1999-2009). Currently, she is working on her next book, Secrets From A Stargazer's Little Black Book, to be published in 2018.

    She has been practicing astrology for over 40 years. She  grew up in New York, Tel Aviv, Rome, Florence, Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, Geneva, London, New York, Nuremberg, New York, London, Oxford, Los Angeles and London and brings an international perspective to her practice.

    She has studied with Roy Alexander, Ronald Davison, Carolyn Dodson, Charles and Vivia Jayne, Jim Lewis, Jeff Mayo, Al H. Morrison, Bob Pike, Zane Stein and David Williams and the astronomer George Lovi (Hayden Planetarium).

    Her clients include psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, corporations, financial analysts, celebrities, politicians and human beings.  DKS has come to view the future -- and the horoscope -- as a long, lush salad bar.

    She'll tell you what the planets are serving up today, next year, ten years from now, so that you may make your own selection, based on informed, smart, educated choices, so that you can chart your own individual course.


Some Debbi Kempton-Smith links: 

Sample Glamour column

Sample Tatler Column (Scorpio)

Sample Tatler Column (Sagittarius)

As seen in The New Yorker

As seen in New York Magazine

The blazingly brilliant astrologer John Townley - no slouch himself! -   on DK-S.

 They've got a lot of coffee in Brazil, and DK-S's book has got loads of raves on Amazon. Have a look:   

About a custom, confidential Debbi Kempton-Smith reading

About Secrets From A Stargazer's Notebook

About getting Debbi Kempton-Smith's unique, amazing reports

[Stargazer] [Void Moon]  [The Book] [This and That] [Reports]